Monday 4 July 2016

Inner room media house celebrating amazon of justice and human right activist @ 50th birthday of Dr Joe Okei Odumakin.

Dr Joe Okei Odumakin a friends of the masses and hope's of the poor's and motherless,as popularly called by ordinary Nigerian citizens, was Amazon of justice, hope of common man,public defendant,woman's right defendant, human right activist and political activist.The very first time I met with her, she was a part of the Save Nigeria Group [SNG] canvassing for free and fair elections in the Nigerian elections of 2011. The SNG organised several rallies, peaceful protests and seminars to educate the Nigerian electorate and inform the powers that be that it was not going to be business as usual.
After the hullabaloo of the elections, subsidy removal engineered operation ‘Occupy Nigeria’, and there she was again at the forefront of the protests, rallies and demonstrations. Joe Okei-Odumakin seemed tireless in her exertions and indeed looked as though she would go on as long as it took…that is until the troops invaded Lagos and the Nigerian Labour Congress consorted with the Federal Government to produce a less than satisfactory resolution. Story for another day, or better still, it is water under the bridge. Moving on to the warrior that is Dr. Josephine.
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Born in Zaria on July 4, Dr. Josephine grew up in Ilorin and schooled at St. Barnabas Primary School, Ilorin where she obtained her first school leaving certificate. Her secondary education was at the Queen Elizabeth Secondary School, Ilorin, and thereafter, she undertook her A’ levels at the School of Basic Studies, Kwara State Polytechnic. Dr. Josephine earned a BA.Ed in English and Education in 1987 from the University of Ilorin. She earned her M.Ed in Guidance and Counselling and her Ph.D. (History and Policy of Education) from the same institution in 1996.
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So I am young [oh yes I am] and I was but a Babe when Dr. Josephine honed her skills in human rights activism.  From 1988-1991, she was the Secretary of Women in Nigeria (WIN), Kwara State branch and the Coordinator of Women in Nigeria (WIN), Kwara State branch from 1991 – 1996. Dr. Josephine also served as the Chairperson of both the now defunct Rethink Nigeria from 1987 – 1992 and the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights, Kwara State branch from 1990 – 1996.
She was arrested and detained no fewer than seventeen times during the military administration of Babangida!!! Who knew?!
Dr. Josephine is presently the Executive Director of the Institute of Human Rights and Democratic Studies, the President of Women Arise for Change Initiative; the Chairman, Task Force of the Citizen Forum, Spokesperson, Coalition of Civil Society Organizations and President, Centre for Change in Community Development and Public Awareness(CDP).  The Women Arise for Change Initiative aims to work for the women folk, breaking the culture of silence and finding expression for themselves in the social, political and economic relations in Nigeria. It also encourages women to come together to stand up against misuse and abuse by our male dominated society.
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A trail of recognition and awards has followed this brave and fearless crusader for justice. Her most recent, and I daresay most prestigious is the 2013 United State Secretary of State’s International Woman of Courage Award. One of only ten women, Dr. Joe received the award from the U.S. First Lady, Michelle Obama, and the Secretary of state, John Kerry at the Dean Acheson Auditorium of the US State Department at a ceremony which coincided with the International Women’s Day, March 8th.
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Though not a national honouree in Nigeria, Dr. Josephine has nevertheless been inundated with accolades from organisations far and wide. In 2012, the National Union of Lagos State (NULASS) The polytechnic Ibadan gave her an award of excellence as the most outstanding activist of the year; African Mouth Piece International gave her a Role Model Award; National Association of Ondo State students, presented a merit award to her in recognition of her selfless service in activism in Nigeria; West Africa Students’ Union (WASU) in recognition of her exemplary role in leadership enrichment and humanitarian services gave her the Kwame Nkrumah Leadership Award on Humanitarian Services/Icon of Hope; National Union of Textile Garment and Tailoring workers of Nigeria (NUTGTWN) gave her an Appreciation Award for her contribution to workers education in Nigeria; Department of Mass Communication, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Abeokuta presented her with the prestigious Diamond Award in recognition of her selfless service and immense contribution to the development of the society; BAO Consulting and young Voters Initiative Lagos Presented Dr. Joe Okei-odumakin with Excellence in Activism Award in recognition of her selfless service in Activism in Nigeria; Rotaract Club Egbeda District 9110, gave her the outstanding Humanitarian Award in recognition of her outstanding performance, exemplary leadership qualities, her commitment to grassroots development and her selfless service to the uplifting of humanity in general.
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“I will not marry until there is Democracy in Nigeria”, was one of her famous camaraderie anthems during struggles against military juntas in Nigeria. Even, that watchword was even a compromise after other pro-democracy activists persuaded her to settle for a secular life like every other regular being. Otherwise, she would be a nun, as she had vowed! 
 It was following a rigorous debate at a state-of-the-nation meeting of activists, that Dr. Joe agreed, eventually, to marry. 

That debate was won by Comrades in favor of Mr. Yinka Odumakin, anchoring their persuasion on the obvious arrival of the Democracy in Nigeria, which she had insisted on. How they met, with her hubby was even child of serendipity -they met in same prison custody after being arrested from different locations but fighting same cause. Their proper meeting was to later occasion at their collision on account of Nigeria’s most symbolic legal luminary and rights activist, Chief Gani Oyesola Fawehinmi, who was the significant rallying point for various pro-democracy movements and activists across Nigeria. 
Dr. Joe groomed in the Campaign for Democracy (CD) led by Dr. Beko Ransom Kuti, when the heat was at roof, resisting Military reign in Nigeria. Because her best moments were always during protest rallies, she preferred the toughest of activist roles, especially those roles men are careful to steer clear from. This was what made her volunteer to personally paste “IBB-Must-Go” bills inside Military barracks. 
It was in the course of this that she was caught by soldiers at one of the barracks. That sorry-story can best be imagined. It was indeed her first baptism in activism. But her undying passion for a better society soon saw her becoming a “prison veteran”, as she stubbornly returned to the streets to protest against Military rule in Nigeria. By when Democracy would be achieved in Nigeria, she had been detained for about seventeen times, already. She was also shot on her leg during one of the protest marches she co-led against Military repression of Nigerian citizens.

Africa’s first Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka having “shared tear gas” with her on occasions of protest, discerned her passion for struggle-to-justice. In commending her consistency and tireless spirit, Prof. Soyinka introduced her subsequently as follows:
 “…a tireless fighter whose frail bearing  bellies an inner strength and resilience purpose, a veteran of affirmative marches, of crude arrests and detentions, baton charges and tear gas who has  lent lustre to the struggle for justice and human dignity, who remain an inspiration of men and women, old and young.”
But even following the achievement of Democracy in Nigeria, Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin has continued to fight for oppressed people in the society. Her forte is undeniably in lending voices to voiceless women and children in the Society -a trajectory that has blown her beyond her imagined scope of a Nigerian society. World over, Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin has been recognized for her role in leading people to finding their own voices.
It was during presentation of the prestigious “International Woman of Courage Award” at the Department of States, Washington DC, that the United States Secretary of States, Senator John Kerry acknowledged Dr. Joe‘s resilience and purpose of a life, one lived for significantly for others.
It is Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin‘s birthday, and I am inviting you on this occasion to connect and share with her, the deserved love and encouragement for a life that should be model for every female, within and beyond Nigeria.
Dr Joe Okei Odumakin is married with children .
Personally, I Say “congratulations” on your 50years birthday.

Comrade Femi Adeniyi Akingbade
Member campaign for democracy and founder inner room media house.

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